To go to the OFFICIAL website for this course click here. That site also contains various information, homework exercises, material from previous semesters, etc.
6.6.2004 The postscript file (4 pages) which is here has been written for the students in Professor Baruch Solel’s class whom I taught on 30.05.04 and 3.6.04. It gives basic facts about dyadic intervals in R^d (finite dimensional euclidean space), and, with their help, completes the proof which I began presenting in the classes on those two days, that the space of C infinity functions on R^d with compact support is dense in L^1(R^d).
The most recent version (10.11.02) of my list of exercises is here. It will be updated from time to time with new exercises added at the BEGINNING of the document.A
The most recent version of my auxiliary notes (26.10.02) is here. It will be updated from time to time with new material usually added at the END of the document.
18.11.02 Important information about the mid term test and final examination, and how your grade will be determined, etc. etc. is here.
7.11.02 I have prepared an electronically accessible version of a collection of old examinations to provide you with extra exercises. There are 42 pages in this collection. You should hopefully be able to access all or most of them here. If you have problems accessing any of these pages, you can also try going to here. If you know more html than I do and can suggest a better way of presenting this material, please contact me.
28.10.02 Two things:
(i) Iddo Ben Ari’s office hours are Mon. & Thu, 13:30-14:30, in Amado, room 925. He can be reached by email at iddo@techunix.technion.ac.il
My own office hour is on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:30. My office is room 730 Amado building. (Telephone 829-4179). My email is mcwikel@math.technion.ac.il
(ii) The only change to the list of exercises since 26.10.02 is a very small change to the wording of one of them (on page 2 about the intervals I_k and functions \phi, f, g and h.) Hopefully it will now be clearer.
27.10.02 One more small exercise has been added to the list of exercises. My auxiliary notes have also been slightly updated. From now on, the latest version of both of these documents will now also be accessible from the TOP of this page.
24.10.02 Here is an updated version of the list of exercises with several new ones. Some of these may be used in the tirgul which will be given by Iddo on Sunday. Others may later become part of the “official” set of homework exercises. In any case they can all teach you something.
13.10.02 Here is a message sent to the students’ mailing list today.