Amos Nevo

Amos Nevo


  • Email:
  • Office: 726
  • Phone: +972-4-829-4022
  • Research Interests: Lie groups, algebraic groups and their lattices
    Ergodic theory for group actions, Integral geometry and harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces, Unitary representation theory and harmonic analysis for Lie groups, Boundary theory for Lie groups and for discrete groups, Super-rigidity for lattices and virtual lattices of semi-simple groups
  • Selected Publications  

Biographical Information

Ph. D. in Mathematics, the Hebrew University, 1992.
Research scholarship in Math. Sci. Research Inst. in Berkeley, California, 1992.
Rothschild research scholarship spent at Princeton University, 1993-1994.
Dickson Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, 1995-1996.