Avi Berman books and recent publications



  • A. Berman, Cones, Matrices and Mathematical Programming, Lectire Notes in Economic and Mathematical  Systems 79,  Springer  Verlag,  Berlin- Heidelberg-New York, 1973.
  • A. Berman and R.J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the  Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science and Applied  Mathematics,  Academic  Press, 1979.
  • A. Berman, M. Neumann and R.J. Stern, Nonnegative Matrices in  Dynamic Systems, Pure and Applied Mathematics, Wiley, 1989.
  • A. Berman and R.J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the  Mathematical Sciences, (Revision of [2]), Classics in  Applied  Mathematics,  SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994.
  • A. Berman and B. Z. Kon, Linear Algebra (in Hebrew), BAK, Haifa, 1999.
  • A Berman and N. Shaked-Monderer, Completely Positive Matrices, World  Scientific, 2003.

 Books (editor)

  • A. Berman, School mathematics 2000 (in Hebrew), The S. Neeman Foundation, Haifa, 1989.
  • A. Berman, Programs for gifted children (in Hebrew), The S. Neeman Foundation, Haifa, 1989.
  • A. Berman and S. Gueron, Promoting mathematical talents (in Hebrew), The S. Neeman Foundation, Haifa, 2002.

  Papers (2005)

  • Abramovitz, M. Berezina and A. Berman, How not to formulate multiple-choice problems, int. J, Math. Ed. Sci. Technol. 36(4) (2005), 428-437.
  • Berman and K. H. Foerster, Algebraic connectivity of trees with a pendant edge of infinite weight, Electronic J. Linear Algebra 13 (2005), 175-186.
  • Berman and C. Xu, $[0,1]$ completely positive matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 399 (2005), 35–51.
  • A Berman and T Laffey, Similarity classes and principal submatrices, Linear Algebra Appl.  401 (2005), 341–351.