Eli Aljadeff list of publications

List of Publications

  1. E. Aljadeff and S. Rosset, Global dimensions of crossed products,  J.of Pure and Applied Algebra, (1986), 103-113.
  2.  E. Aljadeff and S. Rosset, Growth and uniqueness of rank, Israel  J. of Mathematics, vol. 64, No. 2 (1988), 251-256.
  3.  E.Aljadeff and  S. Rosset, Crossed products, cohomology and equivariant projective representations, J. of Algebra, vol. 121, No. 1, (1989) 99-116.
  4.  E. Aljadeff, Homological duality for crossed products J. of Algebra, vol. 134, No.1 (1990), 157-181.
  5.  E. Aljadeff, Serre’s extension theorem for crossed products, J. of the London Math. Society, No. 2 Vol. 44, (1991), 47-54.
  6.  E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Projective Schur division algebras are abelian crossed products, J. of Algebra, vol 163, No.3 (1994), 795-805.
  7.  E. Aljadeff, On the surjectivity of some trace maps, Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 86 (1994), 221-232.
  8.  E. Aljadeff and D. Robinson, Semisimple algebras, Galois actions and group cohomology, J. of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 94, (1994), 1-15.
  9. E. Aljadeff and Y. Ginosar, On the global dimension of multiplicative Weyl algebras, Arch. Math., vol. 62 (1994), 401-407.
  10. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Projective Schur algebras have abelian splitting fields, J. of Algebra, vol. 175 (1995). 179-187.
  11.  E. Aljadeff and D. Robinson, Solution of the twisting problem for skew group algebras, Israel J. of Mathematcs, vol. 91 (1995) 409-417.
  12. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, On the projective Schur group of a field, J. of Algebra, vol. 178 (1995), 530-540.
  13. E. Aljadeff and Y. Ginosar, Induction from elementary abelian subgroups, J. of Algebra, vol. 179 (1996), 599-606.
  14. E. Aljadeff, J. Cornick, Y. Ginosar and P.H. Kropholler, On a conjecture of Moore, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, vol. 110 (1996), 109-112.
  15. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Bounds on order of finite subgroups of PGL_n(k), J. of Algebra, vol. 210 (1998), 352-360
  16. E. Aljadeff, Y. Ginosar and U. Onn, Projective representations and semisimplicity, J. of Algebra, vol. 217 (1999), 249-274.
  17. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Projective Schur algebras of nilpotent type are Brauer equivalent to radical algebras, J. of Algebra, 220 (1999), 401-414.
  18. E. Ajadeff and J. Sonn, Exponent reduction for radical abelian algebras, J. of Algebra, 223 (2000), 527-534.
  19. E, Aljadeff and A.R. Magid, Deformations and liftings of representations, Conteporary Mathematics, 264, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000.
  20. E. Aljadeff and D. HaileDivision algebras with a projective basis, Israel J. of Mathematics, 121 (2001), 173-198.
  21. E. Aljadedd and J. Sonn, Exponent reduction for projective Schur algebras, J. of Algebra, 239 (2001), 356-364.
  22. E. Aljadeff and C. Kassel, Explicit norm one elements for ring actions of finite abelian groups, Israel J. of Mathematics, 129 (2002), 99-108.
  23. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Relative Brauer groups and m-torsion, Proceedings of AMS, 130 No.5 (2002), 1333-1337.
  24. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Fields for which the projective Schur subgroup is the whole Brauer group, Israel J. of Mathematics, 131 (2002), 375-379.
  25. E. Aljadeff, Y. Ginosar and A. del Rio, Semisimple strongly graded rings, J. of Algebra, 256, No. 1 (2002), 111-125.
  26. E. Aljadeff, P. Etingof, S. Gelaki and D. Nikshych, On twisting of finite dimensional Hopf algebras, J. of Algebra, 256, No. 2 (2002), 484-501.
  27. E. Aljadeff and J. Sonn, Projective Schur groups of iterated power series fields, J. of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 182, No. 2-3 (2003), 109-117.
  28. E. Aljadeff, D. Haile and M. Natapov, Projective bases of division algebras and groups of central type, Israel J. of Math., vol. 146 (2005), 317-335.
  29. E. Aljadeff and M. Natapov, On the universal G-graded central simple algebra, Journal Ibero Americana, Proceedings of the Coloquio Latino American of Algebra, Colonia, Uruguay, 2005.
  30. E. Aljadeff, Lectures on the Brauer group and the projective Schur subgroup of a field. Proceedings of the 8th “Dr. Antonio A. R. Monteiro” Congress (Spanish), 131-150, Actas Congr. “Dr. Antonio A. R. Monteiro”, Univ. Nac. del Sur, Bahía Blanca, 2006.
  31. E. AljadeffProfinite groups, profinite completions and a conjecture of Moore, Advances in Mathematics,  201, No. 1 (2006), 63-76.
  32. E. Aljadeff, D. Haile and M. Natapov, On gradings of central simple algebras, “Groups, Rings and Group rings”, edt. By C. Polcino Milies, A. Giambruno and S. K. Sehgal, CRC Press, 2006.
  33. E. Aljadeff and C. Kassel, Norm formulas for finite groups and induction from elementary abelian subgroups, J. of Algebra, 303, No. 2 (2006), 677-706.
  34. E. Aljadeff, J. Sonn and A. R. Wadsworth, Projective Schur groups over Henselian fields, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 208, No. 3, (2007), 833-851.
  35. E. Aljadeff, On cohomology rings of infinite groups, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 208, No. 3, (2007) 1099-1102.
  36. E. Aljadeff, Y. Ginosar and A.R. Magid, On deformations of crossed products, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 210, No. 1, (2007) 81-91.
  37. E. Aljadeff and A. del Rio, Every projective Schur algebra is Brauer equivalent to a radical abelian algebra, Bulletin of the London Math. Soc., 39 (2007) 731-740.
  38. E. Aljadeff, J. Cuadra, S. Gelaki and E. Meir, On the Hopf-Schur group of a field, J. of Algebra, 319, (2008), 5165-5177.
  39. E. Aljadeff and C. Kassel, Polynomial identities and noncommutative versal torsors, Advances in Mathematics, 218. (2008), 1453-1495. (arXiv:0708.4108).
  40. E. Aljadeff, D. Haile and M. Natapov, Graded identities of matrix algebras and the universal graded algebra, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010) 3125-3147. arXiv:0710.5568.
  41. E. Aljadeff, On the codimension growth of G-graded algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010) 2311-2320. Math arXiv:0908.2385
  42. E. Aljadeff and A. Kanel-Belov, Representability and Specht problem for G-graded algebras, Advances in Mathematics 225 (2010), pp. 2391-2428. Math arXiv:0903.0362.
  43. E. Aljadeff, Group graded PI-algebras and their codimension growth. , Isr. J. Math. (2012), 189-205.
  44. E. Aljadeff, Antonio Giambruno and Daniela La Mattina, Graded polynomial identities and exponential growth, J. Reine Angew. Math. 650 (2011), 83–100.
  45. E. Aljadeff and E. Meir, Nilpotency of Bocksteins, Kropholler’s hierarchy and a conjecture of Moore, Adv. Math. 226 (2011), no. 5.
  46. E. Aljadeff and A. Kanel-Belov, Hilbert series of PI relatively free G-graded algebras are rational functions, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 44 (2012), no. 3, 520-532.
  47. E. Aljadeff, and  A. Giambruno, Multialternatinggraded polynomials and growth of polynomial identities, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), no. 9, 3055-3065.
  48. E. Aljadeff and Y. Karasik, Crossed products and their corresponding central polynomials, J.  Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (2013), no. 9, 1634-1641.
  49. E. Aljadeff and D. Haile, Simple G-graded algebras and their polynomial identities, Trans. Amer. Soc. 366 (2014), no. 4, 1749-1771
  50. E. Aljadeff and O. David, On group gradings on PI-algebras, J. Algebra 428 (2015), 403-424.
  51. E. AljadeffGraded algebras, polynomial identities and generic constructions, Note Mat. 34 (2014), no. 1, 1-22.
  52. E. Aljadeff and O. David, On regular $G$-gradings. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), no. 6, 4207–4233. (Reviewer: D. Diniz) 16W50 (16R10)
  53. E. Aljadeff, A. Kanel-Belov and Y. Karasik,Kemer’s theorem for affine PI algebras over a field of characteristic zero. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 8, 2771–2808. (Reviewer: Allan Berele) 16R10
  54. E. Aljadeff, G. Janssens and Y. Karasik, The polynomial part of the codimension growth of an affine PI algebra,  Adv. Math. 309 (2017), 487–511.(Reviewer: Alexey Yakovlevich Kanel-Belov) 16R10 (16P10).
  55. E. Aljadeff and Y. Karasik , Verbally prime $T$-ideals and graded division algebras. Adv. Math. 332 (2018), 142–175.
  56. E. Aljadeff, A. Giambruno and Y. Karasik,  Polynomial identities with involution, superinvolutions and the Grassmann envelope. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 5, 1843–1857
  57. E. Aljadeff, A. Giambruno, C. Procesi and A. Regev, Rings with polynomial identities and finite dimensional representations of algebras. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, 66. American Mathematical Society, [Providence], RI, [2020], ©2020. xii+630 pp.
  58. E. Aljadeff, D. Haile and Y. Karasik, Division algebras graded by a finite group. J. Algebra 579 (2021), 1–25.
  59. E. Aljadeff and Y. Karasik, On generic G-graded Azumaya algebras, accepted for publication in Adv. Math. (arXiv:2008.00976).
  60. E. Aljadeff and Y. Karasik, Semisimple Algebras and PI-Invariants of Finite Dimensional Algebras, preprint. (arXiv:2112.10236).

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